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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Litchfield Township, Bradford County PA
Diaries & Letters of the Tri-Counties
Julia Ann Park Diary 1870
Diary: Julia Ann Park
Township: Litchfield, Bradford County PA
Year: 1870
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Say Hello to Joyce
Transcribed and Submitted by Chris Painter
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice April 2005
1868 1869 1870
Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
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Diaries and Letters
on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.
January 1 Saturday
Well this has been a very bright and pleasant day, but not a bit of sleighing yet.  Those intending to keep the new year will have to go with wagons.  Pa went to the Center and got the mail and also a book from Hunter and Company ____.  When he got back we went down to Russells and spent the evening.  Luke and Emma were up a visiting.  When we were coming up it began to storm and I think we will have some sleighing.  It has stormed all day, and just before night the wind raised and I never saw it blow any stronger.  Pa got ready and went down to Uncle Jons and Rosa and I were alone.  A little while after he had gone, I discovered the whole chimney was on fire.  I closed the draft and pumped some water and carried upstairs, but I could do nothing there, so I came down and went out on the hill and called to Rogers folks who happened to be going to the barn and caught a pale and came on as fast as they could.  The flames had gone down a little, but the chimney’s ___ all a glowing.  Joes Rogers handled water up the ladder to Jose Devenport and he threw it on the fire.  Mary and Mary Jane and Elwell came up, and stayed the evening.  They all think that if it had been in a dry time with such a mind, it surely would have burned down.  Just before sundown the sun came out and it was still raining and there was the most beautiful rainbow I had ever beheld in the north east.  There was three stripes below the main bow beside the reflection above it.  It was the greatest I had ever seen.
Mond 3
Today Pa and had cleared the chimney and plastered them up to make them safe.  I churned and mopped and did up the work in general.  Our storm was all rain, but it is very cold now.
Wed 5
Today John Neaves came to see about taking the farm to work on sheers.  Arch and Kate, Asa, Lovill came over and stayed all day.  I copied sixteen tunes from Vaughts book this evening.
January the Thursday 6
Finished copying the book of tunes and pieced a block.
Saturd 8
Mopped the floor and did some baking.  Mary came over and stayed the afternoon.  Mrs. Maslain called a few minute.  It has been very blustering and part of the time this afternoon and John Rifenburg, Vista and the children, Frank Rogers, Lucy? And the baby, Horrace Rogers and Sam came for an old fashioned visit.
Sunday 9
My visitors have gone away and I have written to Marion.
Mond 10
Today Uncle Heman and Aunt Lind came over and stayed all day.  They want us to go to Mr. Brink’s this evening.
Tuesd 11
We got home about 3 o’clock and laid in bed rather late.  I tried to do the work but did not feel much like working.  I did the washing, mopped and baked some pies.  Pa went to the Center and got the mail and brought Rosa from Mary’s.  Henry McKinney and Libby came up to Drake’s a visit.  I went down to Almira’s and took my black dress for her to fix.  I called to Betsey Jones for a few minutes.  Uncle Joe came up and invited us to his house next Thursday evening.  Once? I should take the instrument along to Mary.
Wed 12
Today Pa brought in a pear from under the tree where it had laid since last fall and it was as sound as ever.
 Thurs 13
It commenced raining last night and kept it up all forenoon.  About 11 o’clock it began to grow colder and to snow some.  Uncle Joe came up and took down the instrument.  We got ready and went quite early.  They had invited 100 guests, but on account of the storm, only 58 were there.  It was very clear and cold coming home.  John and I played.  They raised $120.00 of five of which I got.  It went off very pleasant.  We left Rosa to Russ.
Frid 14
Had been resting up from the party.  Uncle Joe brought the inst. up and it was all sound.  Was well pleased with this party.  It is now snowing as though it meant to belch.  We have had good wagoning all winter.  Yesterday there was not a bit of snow on the yard.  The grass was as green as the ___.
January Sunday 16
Today has been a very beautiful day.  It has been as warm as a day in May and quite muddy.  Sara Payne came up from Hunt’s and stayed all day.  Also, Alvardo was here and made a little visit.  When Sara got ready to go home, I went as far as Betsey Jane’s with her.  We both stopped a little while.  John and Mary called there a few minutes.
Tues 18
Washed and mopped.  Asa came over and wanted I should go to Bill Walkers on Friday evening with them.  Pa went over Smithboro and I went along and stayed to Edsalls.  When Pa came back they visited Berry Smith wife and daughters and Mifs Higley to come up and spend the evening. Loa Smith commenced taking lessons the same day I did at Seymors.  After much coaxing, she played Titus March and commenced another and broke down and would not play any more.  It was a beautiful night.  The moon shown very bright.  We left Rosa to Johnses.  I got a letter from Goodall.  He was at Tioga Center with a magic show.  He said he had left some music at Jakeways Hotel at Nichols for me.
Frid 21
I did up the work and got ready and went over to Uncle Heman’s, but Asa was sick and George had not come, so we gave up our visit to Milin.  We went around by the Center and bought ten frkins? and hobs home.  I called at Carmers a few minutes.  Pa made a visit to Barnums tomorrow evening.  I stopped and invited John and Mary to go along.  Martha Rogers stayed with Rosa.
Sat 22
I pealed apples to can.  Pa and S. B. Carmer took an inventory on the loose property of Johnses.  There was over $24,000 worth of property.  Went over and stopped for Mary.  John had gone to the Corner and had not got home yet.  Soon after we were there, Hayes and Hiram came and we had a very pleasant visit.  The weather is so warm it seems as though we ought to hear the peepers and toads hollering, but I soon think we should have cold weather again.
January Sunday 23
It has rained all day.  This afternoon Geo, Mary and Lovilla came over to have a sing.  We sang all afternoon and Pa got the most of the supper.  It rained, so they are staying all night.
Monday 24
Geo and Mary started home at 8 o’clock and Lovill stayed.  We sung for hours before we quit.  She was trying to sing alto.  After tea we all went over to Hayses.  It was snowing some when we started, but we thought it would not amount to much.  We had a good visit.  When we thought of going home, it was raining so hard that Lovill, Rosa and I stayed over night.
 Tues 25
Came home and got Pa’s breakfast and did up the work.  Mary Rogers came over and stayed all day.
Wed 26
Did up the work and took Lovilla home and went by the Center and bought Rosa a Delain dress.  Got the mail and a letter from Milin.  Tonight is the donation party at Elanson Munns.  Bersoncous? had an invitation to go but did not accept it.
Thurs 27
Got up, did the work and went to washing.  Kate Brown came over and stayed all day.  I did the ironing and baked a cake.
Frid 28
Baked some pies, did up the work and took Jack and Rosa and I went to Uncle Heman’s.  They hitched their horse on to our carriage and Asa, Lovill and I started for Walker’s.  Dell and Gust, Arch and Kate, Ell Demrest and Dell Brink went from Litchfield.  We got down there at 6 o’clock, stayed a while and then went up to George’s school.  After singing school was out there was a good many that went up to Walker’s.  There was a couple of Lincoln girls that played upon the piano.  They were good players, but nothing uncommon.  A Mr. Watkins brought his violin and we played a good deal.  They had a few sets of Catillion, a good oyster supper, and finally wound up with Love in the Dark.  Asa, Lovill and George stayed over night.  In the morning Mifs Lincoln came down and helped straighten up.  There were 38 there.
January Saturday 29
Went home, went from Walker’s up to Mr. Plummers.  Found them looking for us and everything in perfect order.  In the afternoon it began to rain, but we started for home.  It was very dark, but when we got above Athens it began to snow, and so it became lighter.  Got up to Uncle Heman’s at 8 o’clock.
Sund 30
Got up, ate my breakfast and started for home.  Found Pa eating his breakfast rather lonely, but everything in good order.
Mond 31
I pieced a block and basted several.  Betsey Jane was here and made a visit.  Settled up all book accounts.

Tuesd February 1
This evening Hellen Hunt came up to take a lesson, came up a foot.  After work I went over to Mary’s, found Hanna there a visiting.
Wed 2
Baked bread and pieced a block.
Thurs 3
Baked cake and fried cake and pieced two blocks.
Friday 4
Did housework and pieced blocks.
Saturday 5
Sunday 6
Practiced and read.
 Mond 7
Today has been a most beautiful day, most warm as a day in May, and it has been so nearly all the month, and it seems as though we might soon see the little birds again.  I did a large washing, mopped and cleaned.
Tuesd 8
Today it began to snow hard from the northeast.  It has snowed all day and is still snowing.
Wed 9
The storm is over and the snow is deep, but the wind begins to blow hard from the west and it is drifting.
Frid 11
Baked bread and biscuits and ironed some.  Received a visit from Roger Cobell?  He came from Newark, New Jersey.  He is going to Iowa next week.
Sat 12
George came over and wanted us to come over and stayed the evening.  We did up the work and went over early.  Took over the melodian.  About 7 o’clock there was a load came over from Athens.  There was Clarence and Robert Watkins and sisters, Carson, Louise and Lizzie Plummer, and Ell Demerest and Dell Brink, George Brink and Wilda.
February Sunday 13
Today has been cold but pleasant.  I have read and practiced all day.
Mond 14
Today the winter is just half out.  Pa went to Waverly for Mrs. Maslain.  It has stormed hard all day.  John Neaves came the afternoon and I guess he is going to stay over night.  I believe today is Valentine’s Day.
Tues 15
John went over to the Center.  I did some trading and came back again.
Wed 16
Pa started to Owego the morning, took a barrel of pork and 45 pounds of butter and ____.  John went along with him.  Hellen came up a foot again.
Thurs 17
Mary Rogers came over and stayed all day.  Had a good visit.  The sun has shown all day, but it is beginning to cloud up again.  I think we will have more rain.
Frid 18
It rained all night and it has rained the whole day.
Sat 19
Went to singing school.  There were a great many people there.  We had a good sleighing, but it was very cold.  I received a letter from (Bovina Valley Vel, co NY)
Sund 20
It has snowed and blowed all day.  I answered said letter.
Wed 23
Today I washed, mopped and baked.  Aunt Rachel came up and made me a visit. This evening Delmer and Mary Wheelhouse are here.  They came from school.
Sat 26
Baked bread, pies, cake and cookies and mopped and finished Rose’s hair.
Sund 27
 We intended to have gone over to Uncle Moses, but it commenced ____ early and we gave it up.  Pa went down to Uncle Joe’s and a visit from Russell Park, his wife and the youngest children in the evening.  Also received a visit from Edd Lunger.  Went down to ___ Hunts and made a visit.  Uncles George and Joe, Aunt Lib and Mrs. Clawson and John and ____ ___ from Elmira were there.  Given others a lesson.  Sam paid me $2.00.  They all ___ to enjoy ____.

March Saturday 5
Today I baked and did the Saturday’s work and Pa went to the Center and around to Uncle Heman’s.
Sund 6
Today has been very warm and pleasant.  Aunt Marie and Gusta and the children and John Campbell and Alice were all here a visiting.  After they went home we got ready and went down to Uncle Moses, but they had all gone away.  Uncle and Aunt had gone to Barton and Sara and Orlando had gone to Nichols a visiting, so we came back again.
Wed. 9
Today Mary came over and stayed all day.  John had gone to Owego.  Rosa is five years old today.  Goodall and Ridell have a concert at that Baptist church this evening.
Thurs 10
It snowed much all day and has been quite cold.  Mary came over and got some salt.  Eli and (blank from here)
Tues 15
Went to Waverly with a tub of butter.  Betsey Jane went along with us.  She sold two bibs.  Rosa and I had our picture taken.  I got me a new Calico dress.  Oliver Segar came home with us from Athens.  This evening Pa and him made a bargain. Him and his wife are going to move up their things.  Tomorrow Pa is going after them.
Wed 16
It was snowing hard.  When we got up the snow was two feet deep and it has continued to snow until sundown.  The wind is blowing and rain and I fear there will be some drifting.  All has been here nearly all day, has just started out and gone to Rogers ___ ____ ___ at 12 o’clock. ___ all day.
Thurs 17
It has blowed and drifted all day.  The snow is banking up back of the house up to the middle of the door and window and it is four and five feet deep.  Many ___ the flu the ___.  There are two large drifts of snow by the pig pen from ten to twelve feet high, and the roads are full from fence to fence.
Sund 20
Pa started out this morning to ___ roads, found them impassable in most places.  Rosa and I went over to Mary’s and stayed until the ___.  Betsey Jane and Mrs. ___ were there.
March Monday 21
Pa went this morning after Oliver and his wife.  They got home just before dark.  Just after that Arch and Kate came.
Tuesd 22
 Made a pretty hard days work today.  For the first, arranged their things as best we could through the rooms.  Arch and Kate went home this afternoon some after they went, Betsey Jane and Mr. ___ ___ and Ann came up.  John Neaves was here to dinner.  Also, Pa took a ___ to Waverly.  John and Mary came over and all stayed the evening.  I never heard John play any better.  It has been quite warm and pleasant all day.
Thurs 24
Pa went to Smithboro with a load of ties for Jose Rogers.  Ellwell is very sick with inflamation of the lungs.  Washed today.
Frid 25
Went to Nichols to church.  Had a very entertaining ___.  Pa went to Waverly.  Got home, Rosa and one ____.
Sat 26
We had just got through with baking and churning when Roger Cowell and Mary Morse came. They had been to singing school.  They stayed the remainder of the afternoon.  Then we went down to Andrew Hunt’s ___.
Sund 27
It has stormed very hard nearly all day and the wind blows a perfect hurricane.  Pa went down to Uncle Joes.  Heard yesterday that Doctor Burlingame’s house burnt up and they saved but little out of it. (Received a letter from Boving Valley)
Mond 28
We washed in the morn and sewed the rest of the day.
Tuesd 29
I baked and churned.
Wed 30
Martha, Rosa and I went over to Hayes.  Pa and Al worked in the lower orchard.  Today has been very warm and mild. The __ is going fast.  Pa and I intended to have gone over to Arch’s, but Uncle Moses and Aunt Hanna came so we gave it up.  Pa used the lamp in the morning to go down to the cellar, and left it down there burning, the oil was burned very low.
Thurs 31
Geo and Mary came over and made a visit.  We baked for Uncle Moses ___ ___ but __ did not ___.

April Friday 1
Today is all fool’s day again and we all got fooled nicely.  This morning Orlando, Sara and Myra ___ ___ Katie and ___ came and made a visit.  I expected Kathie would stay until Sunday, but she could not.
Saturd 2
We baked and cleaned and did the Saturdays work in general.
Sund 3
Martha and Oliver Burlingame’s a visiting.  Asa came over and made a visit.  He’s going back to Michigan next week.  I set up with a sick patient.
Mond 4
We got up early and did up the washing.  There came more snow last night.  Also, we heard that Nathan Baldwin committed suicide yesterday morning by hanging himself in his home when his family was absent.
Tuesd 5
Pa, Al and Martha went to the funeral.  There was a large attendance.  They buried him at the Rest in Waverly.  Today was the day fixed for them to move to Binghamton.  Pa went down to John Browns and bought a calf.
 Wed 6
Pa went up to ___ ___ and bought 17 bushels of potatoes, says the going is very bad on the roads. Nat? and I baked and ironed.
Thurs 7
Al drawed ___ and Pa went to the Center.
Frid 8
Pa went to Waverly.  I stayed to Uncle Heman’s.  Dell Brink was there, Arch & Kate started for ____ today.  The roads are very bad but the sun is going fast.  Pa had a call and I ____.
Sat 9
Al drawed manure and Pa sewed clover seed in the ___ ____.  It has been very warm and pleasant.  The first day we have done without fire in the sitting room.  The ___ Blue Bird and Robins have been around __ __ all day.
Sund 10
Al, Martha and I went to M. E. Meeting.  It was Mr. Harmons farewell sermon before conference.  There were not a great many out on account of bad going.
April Monday 11
Mag? Washed.  I went over to Haseltons and got some carrots.  Came back and got __ and churned and baked.
Tuesd 12
Mat? Ironed and did the work.
Wed 13
Pa went over to Barnums to get a calf and I went over to Hayes.  Took some ____.
Thurs 14
It has been very pleasant and warm and the sun is nearly gone.  The roads are getting dry and people have been plowing all week.  Today Pa and Al have been making garden on the hill.  Sewed a half bushel of peas and Sophia and Minnie came over and stayed a little while, got some flower seeds.  Mattie and I sewed on my new dress.
Frid 15
Sara Payne was up and is going to stay until Sunday.  This afternoon Al went to the blacksmith shop and Sara and I went to the ___ and did a little trading.  Rode back as far as Barnums and stayed there until Al came along.  Mary Morse was there.  I had hemmed a ruffle for me on her machine.
Satur 16
Sara and I went down to Uncle Moses.  Eliza __ Mary Munn were there a visiting.  We all went to singing school.  Eliza and I rode __ with ___ the others ___ about.  We got there a good while ___ the evening.  School began.  After singing school I began home and Sara went back to Uncle Moses.  Emily ___ Esther and John Seager called this afternoon.
Sund 17
Commenced raining last night and has rained nearly all day.  Al had ___ a good supply of potatoes.  Pa went down and put some flowers on Ma’s grave.  Orlando and Sara called a little this afternoon, but did not stay long.
Monda 18
It has rained all day, but we did the wash and put the clothes ___.
Tuesd 19
Did the clothes and did some baking.
 Wed 20
Mat? ironed and I did the work __ in the afternoon.
Thurs 24
Rosa and I went over to Mr. Merrill’s.  Found ___ at home, had a very good visit.  Russell Park ___ me __ his ____ ___ ___.
April 22
We have done housework and sewed on our calico dress.  Pa and Merrill Rogers settled up and balanced all book accounts.  I sold my ___ to ____ and bought a pail, grater, some soap and milk, and owe him 25cts.
Sat 23
I worked in the yard and ___ got dinner.  After dinner we got ready to go over to ___ Kingaides, but just before we started Sophia and Minnie came and stayed the afternoon, then __ came to get us to piece some blocks for Mrs. Burlingame.  Mat? ironed some and I did ___ each ___ ____ getting the ___ ____ ___.  Sara called a little while.  Al has been plowing the field back of the house this week.
Sund 24
It has been very warm and pleasant all day, mercury being up to 90 degrees.  Before Mattie and Al and John went up on the knob and looked through a spyglass.  They brought it down and I spent the afternoon looking through it.  I saw a good many ___ things in the distance.  Pa and Al put up the swing.
Monda 25
It commenced raining early this morning but stopped before noon.  Mat did the washing and I did the work.  This afternoon we cleaned the sitting room.  Sara Payne came up and got her plants for Mrs. K___.
Tuesd 26
Blacked the stove and cleaned some.  Mary Morse came over and got the carpet stretcher.  Went to the Center and got some lime starch lamp shades and carpet tacks.  Called at Hayes a few minutes.
Wed 27
Put the sitting room to rights while we washed and ___ the carpet.  Al plowed in the ___ place.  Geo came over and brought me a piece of __ to ___ before Saturday ___ ___ bring.  They are having a dance at ___ ___.
April 28
Put the whole house to rights and cleaned the kitchen, baked bread and burned.  Aunt Judith called a few minutes.  Had a light shower.
Frid 29
Got up early and went over to John Rogers to see if they were out going to Waverly to ___ to go along with them, but ___ ___ ____.  Rose and I went up to the hill and looked through the spyglass.  It was very clear and we could see a great distance.  When we got through looking, we got over in the woods and picked some liverwort blossoms and their flowers.  Then we went down to the Rogers grave yard.  There is but one respectable looking grave there.  The others are all neglected.
Sat 30
 Helped do up the Saturday work and worked in the yard this forenoon. After dinner I went over to Smith Barnums and stayed until singing school time, then Minnie and I had rode over with Mary ___ but I came home the other way.

Sunday May 1
Took a ride and went in four different townships.  This day was pleasant but windy.  Uncle Moses and Leander was here part of the day.  Also ~
Monda 2
Mat sewed.  Pa went to Waverly with the tub of butter.  He went with Uncle Moses.  Juliana Na___ came up and stayed all night.
Tuesd 3
Julia went home after dinner.  Mat and I sewed.
Wed 4
Cleaned __ sewed and did the work up.  Went to the Center and got the returns for a tub of butter sent to New York.
Thurs 5
Mat and I did the washing and cleaned the cellar this forenoon.
Frid 6
Had a good shower which lasted ___ 4 o’clock until dark.  Pa __ up to the garden today and said the corn is up large enough to ___.  The peas are up a tad high and lettuce and onions very large for ___ most of the folks have not ___ their ____.
May Sunday 8
It has rained by bushels all day.  This afternoon Pa, Rose and I went over to Uncle Heman’s.  Yesterday they got ready to plant ___, but the rain came and they gave it up.
Monday 9
It has been showering all day.  Mat did the week’s washing, and I washed eight flannel sheets, worked in the yard until dinner, then washed the dishes and went over to __ and found her sick in bed and not able to raise her head.  I stayed the afternoon and did her work.  Mat cleaned the pantry.  Al went down to the woods to spot a hawk, but it turned out to be a bald headed eagle.  It was as large as a good sized turkey.  It flew before he could shoot it.
Tuesd 10
Went over and did Mary’s work and washed and did some ___ and C came home and churned and it has rained all afternoon.
Wed 11
Pa, Mat and I went to Waverly.  Went by way of A__rill Mill and Goulds Ferry.  We left Rosa to Cowells.  Mat bought her a pair of garters.  Pa got him a suit of clothes and I got two new dresses, one Grennidene (sic) and the other poplin, and a hat and a pair of shoes and a number of other things.  We came back by Uncle Ben’s and stayed until after tea.  Nathen Dean and his sister were there a visiting.  The fruit trees on the river are all in full bloom.  They are some earlier than on the hill.  Mrs. Robinson Brown was buried today.  We did not hear of it in time to go to the funeral.  She has been sick with consumption for the 25 years and at last it has worn her out.  They telegraphed to Arch and Frank, but Arch only came.
May Thursday 12
Got up. Helped milk ___ with milk.  Did the churning and got ready went to Mary’s.  Stayed and helped her all day.
Frid 13
Sara Payne came up and borrowed a couple of my dresses and a sack.  She is going to Owego.
 Sat 14
Helped do the Saturday’s work and made Sara an apron.  We heard the first whipperwills (sic) this evening.  Today is quarterly meeting.  None of us went but Pa.  He went out to Uncle Heman’s after the meeting. ~~
Monday 16
Went over to Haselton’s to get Aunt Jane to make my dresses.  Came home across part of the fields and found the garden looking splendid.  The orchards are now in full bloom.  Also now the peaches, pears plums and cherries are all in full bloom.
Tuesd 17
Today we planted corn on the hill behind the barn.  Wm Wright, Chester Ellis, Harris Rogers and Wm Lurcock Jr. all helped plant.  Also, Pa planted the rest of the garden.  I read in the paper today that someone killed that large eagle in Sheshequin.  It measured 7 feet and 4 inches from tip to tip and weighed 19 ½ pounds.
Wed 18
Pa went to Waverly.  Had ___ Rogers ___ ___ Mrs. Maslain’s butter in a tub for his.  This makes seven tubs this spring.  I went over to Haseltons and tried on my dress.  Al helped John Rogers plant corn.
Thrus 19
Today we have had the heaviest shower we have had this season.  I never saw it lightning and thunder any harder.  Al had just got his ___ ground drained over before it rained.
Frid 20
Took ___ home and Rosa and I went to the Center.  I got some ___ brick and other things.  Minnie Horton went with me.  I came back and went up to Haseltons.  Came home and went to fixing for company.
May Saturday 21
Did up the work and had an early dinner and had just got sat down when Edd Lunger came.  We ___ ___ until 2 o’clock, and it __ the rest of the company, but it began to rain so we gave up their coming.  At 5 o’clock Al and Mat got ready and went to Sheshequin.  About 8 o’clock p.m. there came along Geo and Kate Lovill and Art Carson and Louise Plummer.  They had not started from home until after the shower.  They stopped at John Rogers and had him come over with his sister.  We played until 11 o’clock and then we had tea and played until 2 o’clock.  Then John and Ed went home.  The rest stayed over night.
Sunday 22
Pa and I got up early.  Pa milked and fed the calves and I skimmed the milk, washed __ and worked the butter.  Then I got breakfast.  It had cleared off very bright.  We went out and ___ about an hour. They then started for church.  After they had gone, Mary Rogers came over and stayed the afternoon.  Just as she went away, Ed Demerest and Dell Brink came along and stopped.  They stayed about a half an hour.  When they had gone I went in the cellar to work.  Had just got through when John Turk and Mary Rogers came.  They stayed until 9 o’clock.  They had just gone and Al and Mat came home.
Tues 24
Received a note today from Joshua Turk.  It is as follows:
Litchfield, May 23
Friend, Julia Park;
 I thought I would write a few lines to you, I have a little spare time.  Julia, I wish to know if I might have your company, that is, if it would be agreeable to you.  We are not very much acquainted as we might, or as I hope we will be.  You may think strange of my writing to you as I have, but I think it is my duty to do so, for I know my own feelings toward you best.  Julia, I should like to have you answer this note if you please.  Always your friend, Joshua Turk
Saturday 28
Went over to Hayses.  Came home and went to singing this evening.  This evening Ed came over and took me to singing school.  George and I sung a song entitled Willow Spring.  There was quite a large school.  Today ___ started for Allegney (sic)
Sund 29
Pa and I went to church, came home and went to bed and took a nap.  Got up and helped get dinner.  Mat and Al went down to Rogers.  Ed came over and stayed part of the evening.

June 4
Heard today that Willie Edsall was drowned in the river.  Him and one of Kirbys boys were in swimming and cramps took him and he sunk before aid could be had. ___ Edsall has but one child left.  Within the past seven years, he has lost his wife and four children.  Got a letter from Mrs. ___.  She is living in Brooklin and received a visit from Emm W and ___ ___.
Sund 5
Pa and I went to church.  From there we went to Dell Munn’s and took dinner and then Dell and Geo went to Athens to meeting with us.  Pa went to the V____ Church and I went to the Baptist Church and passed off as George’s wife and one lady asked me how my little one got along.  They thought because I was with Geo and Dell I must be his wife.
Mond 6
Mat and I washed.  I just got the clothes out and Al’s mother came up to see him.
Tues 7
Pa and Betsey Jane went to Waverly.  They heard today that doctor had given Silas Wolcott up to die.  He has a cancer in the stomach.  I answered Mr. Turk’s letter in this ____:
“Mr. Turk;
Sir, I received a note from you dated May 25 stating that you would like to have my company and also would like an answer to your note.  I decline to ___ to your proposition and wish to be excused for reasons best known to myself.  Yours with respect, Julia Park”
June Friday 10
Martha and I went down to Betsey Jane’s and stayed the afternoon.  Had quite a hard shower.
Saturd 11
Mary and Mrs. Congden came over and made a visit.  Mary made me a present of a new apron, all made.  Just before night, Edd Lunger came over and I went to singing school with him.  Some after we got to the church, it began to rain and it kept on until it was out.  When we came home we did not get very wet as we had an oil cloth blanket and umbrella.  Some stayed until after 1 o’clock for it to stop raining.
Sund 12
We all got ready and went to church and started to Sabbath school.  They are having a very interesting school lesson.  After we came home Al and Sara and the children came over.  John Lunger came over and got his spyglass.  Also, Ed came over and stayed a little while.
Monday 13
 It has rained nearly all day today, can hardly do anything with the corn or plow the buckwheat plow it is so wet we have so much rain now I fear we shall have a drought by and by.
Tuesd 14
Today Sam and Aliza and Hellen came up.  I gave Hellen a lesson.  I think she is improving quite fast.
Wed 15
Today Nat and I went down to the ___ place and picked a pale of strawberries and called at Mrs. Maslain’s.  Chester Ellis, Jose Rogers and Wm Wright worked in the corn.
Thrus 16
Frid 17
Martin Rogers and Orin Kinney were here to dinner.  They want to sell a mowing machine.  This afternoon Martha and I went to the Center.  Heard that Moses Campbelle (sic) on southill was killed yesterday by a tree falling upon him.
Saturday 18
It has been very warm.  Today mercury has been at 96 degrees.  It is the warmest day we have had.  This afternoon Mat and I went to the Center.
June Sunday 19
Pa and I got up early and milked before sunrise.  Then we ate our breakfast and got ready and went over to Barton.  We went up to Uncle Ira’s and stayed the forenoon.  Then we all went down to Uncle Johns.  Mercury is up to 120 in the sun and 98 in the shade.
Mond 20
Skimmed off the milk and churned.  Washed up the milk things and made the beds.  Then Mat and I picked up the washing and utensils and Al took us to the spring.  We had a large washing.
Tuesd 21
Ironed and sewed some.  Mat and Al and Rosa went strawberrying.  Got about 10 quarts.  Today they have a new boy to Jose, weighs 10 pounds.
Wed 22
Got up very early and did up the work.  Had just got through and my dress changed when we received a call from Mifs Elizabeth Shoemaker, Miss Lizzie Barstow and two other ladies.  I have forgotten their names.  Today we had 12 men here for dinner.  They went to test mowing machine.  There were three agents Whiticer (sic) of Waverly, the Eugene ___ Daniel Park of Barton, the Excell__ir and Kinney of Sheshequin, the Young Warrin (sic).  They mowed in the 12 are lot.  Pa bought one of Dan’s for $100.  Mat, Rose and I went up on the hill to see the machine work and then went over to Mary’s.  she was cleaning house.  Uncle Moses raised a shed today.
Thurs 23
Pa went to Waverly, Athens.  Al made a ___ ___.  Mr. Washburn raised a barn.
Frid 24
Went down to Emma’s school and stayed a while.  The superintendent came while I was there,  Mr. King?.  I went up to Uncle Moses and stayed the rest of the day.  Dell was there, came up yesterday.  Al? Chandler is building their shed.  Al and Pa began their haying today in the 12 acre lot.
Sat 25
Today I have been into all sorts of work indoors and out.  They drawed in all the hay they had out.
 June Sunday 26
It has been very warm today.  The thermometer stood at 101 degrees.  Pa and I went to church a foot and stayed to Sabbath school.  They gave out a question today for the class to answer next Sunday.  It was who lived 999 years and died before his father?  After Sabbath school I came home with Minnie and stayed until after dinner and ate some cherries.  Mr. & Mrs. Smith were there from Sheshequin.  Minnie came as far as John Rogers and we called to hear him play.  While we were there Ed came along and stayed until we started home.  When we got home Al was ___ ____ light a swarm a bees.  Pa went over to Uncle Harrison’s and did not get home until after dark.  Sara Payne came up and stayed all afternoon.  This evening we had a rather dry shower.  Everything needs rain now.
Wed 29
Did up the work early and Sara Park came along.  We went to Mr. Hunts a visiting.  Dell B ___ a  ___ to him.
Thurs 30
Martha and I went to the Center.  I bought a pair of ___ ___.  I called to ____ and brought a ___ ___. ____ gave me a pair of ____.

July 1
Today Fred and Libbie came over.  We

The following are some of the compositions I composed and read during the last winter that I went to school and as I had read them over they bring to my mind some pleasant recollections of times that are past and gone and also some sad ones.  These___ the rest of the scholars of the school were written and put on a book and presented to the teacher (Isadore Stephens) march 7, 1866.

Memory is a great and heavenly blessing which God has given to us all while passing through the world.  Often when we ___ are floating along the river of time we love to sleep, and look back to the golden days of our childhood when hearts were pure and we knew no cares.  Then we travel on perhaps to middle age, and then we will look back again over the time that is past and gone forever when we were little children.  Then we will find stamped upon our minds thousands of little incidents that have taken place when we indulged in innocent plays when we played Tymither?, Green Gravile, Come Philanders and the Ku? eye and a great many others too numerous to mention.  And ___ to the bright spring days when we played in our playhouse walled up with stone and then we would go to the meadow for strawberries and bluebells.  And when autumn came on we trimmed? the woods and gave to kick ___ ___ and the ____.  But we will find ___ the trees.  Great exchanges have taken place where our dear ___ that were with us and the happy ___.  Some have moved away and others are remembered among the silent ones gone on as is the Father and the Mother who watched over us in sweet infancy the kind brother and gentle sister ___ ___ the ___ are hushed in death.  Then as ___ ___ years have passed away and the graves grow cold a ___ ___ flowers upon their graves we may go up the ___ ___ ___ other rest and visit them
worth it is then our
And as we tread softly over
upon their graves so we may go on through life until come to old age when our limbs are feeble and our heart is silent.  And to know that soon we shall
When will we not take in retrospect ___ and
Julia Ann Park

There are a great many duties resting upon scholars while going to school it should always be the duty of a scholar to get a good education while in the days of our youth.  And we have the privilege of going to school it is ours to improve our minds and get knowledge and fit ourselves for the duties of life for soon our school days will be ___ and we will be grown up to men and womanhood and take our place in the world then how assuring it is that we should be prepared to fill a good place in society there are other duties that we ought to do while it ___ first is to respect our parents
we should remember to ___ and obey our teacher for her
without instruction we should
to obey each ___ .  Although I ___ I wish
we will regret that we have been dishonest
have been good and kind where are we going in life ___ with satisfaction over the first ___ ___ let us always try to do our duty.
Litchfield April 1866
Julia Ann Park

Spring, the most lovely season of the year. ___ because it is peculiar and different
 where are the birds they have flown where ___ the frogs and all other reptiles they are asleep beneath the frozen sod and here in the ___ insects they are dead and gone but dark ___ the vice of spring it comes and with it brings life and ___.  The sun has given life __ __ and sends its warm rays upon the earth melting snow and ice have disappeared, the gentle showers to come and all nature is changed we go foster? with joy to ___ it.  The birds have come to cheer us with their ___ song.  Once more we hear the hum of insects and the croakings of frogs all ___ and tiny their voices in one chorus of song.  Once more the forest and fields are ___ and green the honeysuckle ___ ___ ___ bells ___ and blossom sending forth over the wings of the ___ their sweet scented ___
before us ___ to exclusive lovely, lovely spring
rise higher to our father in heaven ___ is the ___ of lovely spring
Julia A Park

1868 1869 1870
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03 APR 2005 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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