Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
School Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties
1915 Burnham School - Case School in Troy

Label Below. 
Be cautious. It appears that the girls are labeled with names they used much 
later in their lives rather than with just their own names. 
School: Burnham School - Case School
Township: Armenia - Troy - Township, Bradford County
Year: 1915
Photo Submitted by: Linda Mutzer
Label by Paul Newell
Addendum by Wilbur Rockwell
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Burnham 1915
Florence Cory Blow, Walter Cory, UNKNOWN, Florence Hackett,
Fanny Hill Woodruff, UNKNOWN,
Nellie Rockwell Dickerson, Lenna Hackett, Eli Williams,
Harold Case, Archie Wood,
Agnes Berwick Brown, Helen Teribury Wrisley, Anna Bell Williams Kinney, Emma Field Vreeland,
Lawrence Comfort, Mary Williams, Cecelia
Hackett, Maude Murray Case, Eva Meeker Smith, Jeanette Smith Croak (teacher). 
 Subj:  Thank you and a correction
Date:  04/09/2004 12:09:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (Wilbur Rockwell)

School, Case, not Armenia

I am writing concerning a school photo that appears on your site with an incorrect label.
First would like to thank you for all the valuable information you have compiled. Wish that Lycoming County had equal information.
     I have an aunt living in East Troy who was shown the photo (printed out by her daughter?). She is in the second row of the students. Nellie Rockwell
Dickerson. The school students were of the Case School on Fallbrook Street.
     The teacher laster mazrried Wilbur Cronk.  The photo was taken on the porch of the house next door. Owner at that time Newell.
     The schoolhouse itself probably had no front porch. After the school was remodeled, during the years a Miss Iona (orig. Ina) Hunt, later married Lowell Austin, taught there (early 1920s) windows were left on just the one side, toward Route 14.
     She believes the two unknown boys did not attend the school but were visiting on the day the photo was taken.
     I saw some photos on your site this morning concerning houses in the Troy boro. One was believed to be near the Troy bowling alley. My Aunt has told me
of a house up the hill across Fallbrook from the school. Known in the 1910s as “the Elliot house”, probably a Mr. Judson Elliot. Apparently in 1915 the field between was part of the property with Elliott house.
    One thing she mentioned shows the different pace of life in 1915, she recalls the road in front of the school being used for games.
    May the Martha Lloyd school building have been the Al Budd house? She recalls her father taking bull calves to a slaughterhouse located there. If not that
house a house located nearby.
     My Aunt also has filled me in some on the Mitchell house reduced by Harry Crumbling, across from the present Troy Post Office, on Canton St. 

See Another Undated Case School Photo

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 28 APR
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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