Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Grover Cemetery, Canton Township,  Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Plot Ownership Listing 1972
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Photo by Pat MOTT Gobea 2001
Cemetery Plot Ownership Listing 1972 submitted
by Fay TILLER Morgan 

Bradford County Cemetery Addresses

Joyce's Search Tip - December 2007 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Bradford County Cemetery Records on the site by using the Cemeteries -Bradford button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? If you use that partition follow these steps to search just one cemetery
1. Choose Cemeteries - Bradford. 
2. Enter part of the cemetery name [ie Ballard or Berrytown] AND a surname. 
3. Choose the Find ALL Words option. Then it will find just the pages with that surname in the one cemetery you indicated. 

See also - Bradford County Cemetery Addresses
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven See Also 2001 Recorded Tombstone List

Note from Fay TILLER Morgan - In 1972 I copied Laura Morgan's Grover Cemetery book. She was only interested in the owner, the plot number and the occupants. Some of the occupants were only listed at "baby" or"husband."
New, Old, and Block C refer to areas of the cemetery
OLD 40 Stuart Jones Mrs Lundy Jones- Guy K Jones  
OLD 40 Mrs Steward Jones Mrs Lundy Jones- Guy K Jones  
OLD 42 Mrs Elmer Palmer Elmer Palmer Endowed Sept 29 1960  
OLD 43 dau Anna Sherman Ella Newell- Jeanette Hagar Endowed 7-3-64 by Alta Woelfel 536 S Flower St Inglewood Calif
OLD 43 husband Baldwin Ella Newell- Jeanette Hagar Endowed 7-3-64 by Alta Woelfel  
OLD 43 Mrs Ella Newell Ella Newell- Jeanette Hagar Endowed 7-3-64 by Alta Woelfel  
OLD 44 Jeanette Hagar (5) Ella Newell- Jeanette Hagar Endowed 7-3-64 by Alta Woelfel  
OLD 45 infant son Ray Lewis Ludlowville NY
OLD 45 wife Ruby between #28&44 Ray Lewis Ludlowville NY
OLD 45 Ray Lewis grave 4 Ray Lewis Lucflowville NY
OLD 45 Father Evan Jenkins Endowed Aug 22 1968 Grover Pa
OLD 45 Mother Evan Jenkins Endowed Aug 22 1968 Grover Pa
OLD 46 Mrs Hagar J M Hagar- J P Hagar 770 Spruce St Elmira NY
OLD 46 J M Hagar J M Hagar- J P Hagar 770 Spruce St Elmira NY
OLD 47 Mrs K Soper Chas Soper - Kenneth Soper 634 Reynolds St Elmira NY
OLD 47 Mrs C Soper Aug 10 191-0 Chas Soper - Kenneth Soper 634 Reynolds St Elmira NY
OLD 48   C E Vermilya see #32  
OLD 49 husband James Mrs Jaames West- Mrs Claude Kilmer Pine City NY
OLD 49 wife Fannie Mrs James West- Mrs Claude Kilmer Pine City NY
OLD 50 Geo Matison Mrs Geo Matison- John Matison  
OLD 50 Mrs Geo Matison Mrs Geo Matison- John Matison  
OLD 51 Baby Girl Mrs Ruby Hager Endowed July 22 1960 Mainesburg Pa
OLD 51 Father Mrs Ruby Hager Endowed July 22 1960 Mainesburg Pa
OLD 51 George Hagar Mrs Ruby Hager Endowed July 22 1960 Mainesburg Pa
OLD 52 Mr Elliott Mrs John Eliott  
OLD 52 Mrs John Elliott Mrs John Elliott  
OLD 53 J Toth 4 graves Joseph & Mary Toth 1/2 lot #53 old part  
OLD 53 Mrs Robert Campbell Mrs Robert Campbell 1/2 lot 37 Prospect Ave Grover Pa
OLD 53 Robert Campbell Mrs Robert Campbell 1/2 lot 37 Prospect Ave Grover Pa
OLD 54 infant son Orson Ellis- Robert Ellis Endowed 12-27-1958  
OLD 54 daughter Orson Ellis- Robert Ellis Endowed 12-27-1958  
OLD 54 wife Orson Ellis- Robert Ellis Endowed 12-27-1958  
OLD 54 husband Orson Ellis- Robert Ellis Endowed 12-27-1958  
OLD 55 George King Fred King- Mary Fields 345 High St Williamsport Pa
OLD 55 Fred King Fred King- Mary Fields 345 High St Williamsport Pa
OLD 56 Oliver Sellard Mrs Pheba Glosser- Dick & Harry Vandyke 657 Beecher St Elmira NY
OLD 56 Perry Sellard Mrs Pheba Glosser- Dick & Harry Vandyke 657 Beecher St Elmira NY
OLD 56 Betsey Sellard Mrs Pheba Glosser- Dick & Harry Vandyke 657 Beecher St Elmira NY
OLD 56 David Sellard Mrs Pheba Glosser- Dick & Harry Vandyke 657 Beecher St Elmira NY
OLD 57 sister Dora Frank Saunders Endowed May 27 1959  
OLD 57 infant dau Frank Saunders Endowed May 27 1959  
OLD 57 dau Eleanor Frank Saunders Endowed May 27 1959  
OLD 57 Mother Mrs William Saunders Frank Saunders Endowed May 27 1959  
OLD 57 Father William Saunders Frank Saunders Endowed May 27 1959  
OLD 58 daughter Helen Mrs Willard H Campbell Endowed July 12 1963 by Jesse Herman  
OLD 58 son Frank Mrs Willard H Campbell Endowed July 12 1963 by Jesse Herman  
OLD 58 husband Willard Mrs Willard H Campbell Endowed July 12 1963 by Jesse Herman  
OLD 58 wife (4) Mrs Willard H Campbell Endowed July 12 1963 by Jesse Herman  
OLD 59 wife Jesse Thomas Packard Endowed May 18 1948  
OLD 59 husband Thomas Thomas Packard Endowed May 18 1948  
OLD 60 husband Bernice Benjamin Kniffen  
OLD 61   Mrs Mike Felko Endowed 1957  
OLD 62 wife LaVerne Fields  
OLD 63 wife Belle Collin McNeal- D J McN3al 755 W 4th St Williamsport Pa
OLD 63 Mother Collin McNeal- D J McN3al 755 W 4th St Williamsport Pa
OLD 63 Father Collin McNeal- D J McN3al 755 W 4th St Williamsport Pa
OLD 63 Frank McNeal Collin McNeal- D J McN3al 755 W 4th St Williamsport Pa
OLD 63 Colin McNeal Collin McNeal- D J McN3al 755 W 4th St Williamsport Pa
OLD 64 John Rolison Mrs John Rolison  
OLD 64 Mrs John Rolison Mrs John Rolison  
OLD 66 Charles A Carl Mrs Louisa Carl/Shadduck  
OLD 66 son Harry Mrs Louisa Carl/Shadduck  
OLD 66 Mrs Chas Carl/Shadduck Mrs Louisa Carl/Shadduck  
OLD 67 Phillip Turner John C Smith- Polly Parsons  
OLD 67 Mrs Phillip Turner John C Smith- Polly Parsons  
OLD 68   John Williams sum pd by Mrs Seely for care of Kate Seeleys grave  
OLD 69 Mrs James Fields James Fields- Frank Fields  
OLD 69 James Fields James Fields- Frank Fields  
OLD 70 Mrs Lucy Gloeckler J E Gleockler  
OLD 70 Mrs Fred Glockler J E Gloeckler  
OLD 71 John Sellard Henry Sellard  
OLD 71 Mrs john Sellard Henry Sellard  
OLD 71 son Henry Sellard Henry Sellard  
OLD 72 Frank Saunders Frank Saunders  
OLD 72 infant child Frank Saunders  
OLD 73 infant son Margaret Adams Hemingway  
OLD 73 dau Mahhie Margaret Adams Hemingway  
OLD 74 Doretha Barnes 2/11/60 grave (4) Henry A Barnes Canton Pa
OLD 75 husband Mrs Lena Belle- Mrs F Schlatar 2323 Campbell Ave Tucson AZ
OLD 75 Mrs Lena Belle Mrs Lena Belle- Mrs F Schlatar 2323 Campbell Ave Tucson AZ
OLD 76 dauther Margaret Pearl Jones  
OLD 76 Iola Pearl Jones  
OLD 76 son Leslie Pearl Jones  
OLD 76 Pearl Jones Pearl Jones  
OLD 77 Mother Pearl Jones sold 3 graves to Floyd Vermilya Sept 19 1970  
OLD 77   Floyd Vermilya 3 graves bought Sept 19 70 from Nell Owen  
OLD 78 wife Ida Henderson Mae Henderson Endowed May 24 1957  
OLD 78 Robert Henderson Mae Henderson Endowed May 24 1957  
OLD 79 Mr Rote James & Anna Rote bought & Endowed Mar 15 1968  
OLD 79 wife W Woodman  
OLD 79 W D Woodman W Woodman  
OLD 80 Mrs Allyn W W Allyn  
OLD 80 W W Allyn W W Allyn  
OLD 81 Austin Williams Burdette Williams or Morgan pd by Haarry Williams  
OLD 81 son John Burdette Williams or Morgan pd by Haarry Williams  
OLD 81 Mrs Marvin Williams Burdette Williams or Morgan pd by Haarry Williams  
OLD 82 wife William J Campbell  
OLD 82 W J Campbell William J Campbell  
OLD 83 dau Alice Truner Mrs F B Turner  
OLD 83 wife Emmaline Mrs F B Turner  
OLD 83 wife Ophelia Mrs F B Turner  
OLD 83 Fred B Turner Mrs F B Turner  
OLD 84 wife Joe W McIlwain Endowed Feb 5 1944  
OLD 84 Joe W McIlwain Joe W McIlwain Endowed Feb 5 1944  
OLD 85 Jet (?) Boyce Mrs katie Boyce  
OLD 85 Mrs Katie Boyce Mrs Katie Boyce  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/29/2000
By Joyce M. Tice