The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Explore Local History One Township at a TIme in Tioga & Bradford Counties  PA & Chemung County NY

Springfield Township
in Bradford County,
Springfield Township Histories
Springfield was created in 1813 from Smithfield. However, an earlier Springfield township existed when the Susquehanna Company controlled the area of Bradford County. It was east of the Susquehanna River whereas the present Springfield is well west of the river. 
Springfield Township History by D. C. Craft
Springfield Township History from Bradford Reporter 1883/4
Springfield Township History by Clement Heverly
Springfield Township History by H. C. Bradsby
Springfield Township History from Seven Counties Outline ...
Township Articles
Township Postcards & Photos
Old News From the Neighborhoods and Villages
Berrytown 1911
Leona 1911
Springfield 1911
Wetona 1911
Post Offices
Springfield (1819)
Leona (1856)
Big Pond (1870)
Postmark Here
Villages Past & Present
Springfield Township Census Records
1800 Ulster, Luzerne County
1810 Smithfield, Lycoming County PA
1820 Springfield Census
1830 Springfield Census
1840 Springfield Census
1850 Springfield Census
1860 Springfield Census Volunteer Needed
1870 Springfield Census
1880 Springfield Census
1900 (Volunteer Needed)
1910 Springfield Census
1920 (PSR)
1930 (Volunteer Needed)
Springfield Township Directories
1900 Springfield Directory
Township Tax Records
1812 Taxables at County Formation 
(Includes part of present day Troy Township)
Springfield Township Cemetery Records
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
Cooper Cemetery (1980s?)
Crandall Cemetery( 1999) 
Bardwell Cemetery (1999) - located on a dirt road west of Lake Ondawa - Big Pond
Berrytown Cemetery (2000) (most graves believed to have been moved to Checkerville (2000) in South Creek Township
Big Pond Cemetery (1999) - Just south of Big Pond - on a bank (Hillside Cemetery) Photos
Big Pond Cemetery Obituaries
Brace Cemetery (1970s)- located on the Checkerville road going north off of Springfield Road -
Brace Cemetery 1999 Reading
Chace & Newbury Cemetery (1999) - located just east of Columbia Twp and north of Springfield Road
Chace Cemetery Obituaries
Culp Cemetery  (1999)- located on the northern central border of Springfield Twp
Grover Hill Cemetery (1999) - located on a dirt road just west of Springfield - Photos
Grover Hill Cemetery Obituaries
Harkness Cemetery (1998) - located on Springfield Road east of the turnoff to Big Pond -Photos
Harkness Cemetery Obituaries
Veterans in Harkness Cemetery
Gates Burials at Hoyt's Corners (1999)
Kennedy Cemetery (1999) - located just off the Old kennedy Road
Leona Cemetery (1999) - located just south of Leona on the Leona Road - Photos
Leona Cemetery Obituaries
Leonard Cemetery (1999) - located south of Leona on a back road that paralells Leona Road
Leonard Cemetery Obituaries
Mt Pisgah Cemetery (1999)
Newbury Cemetery (See Chace - Newbury)
Rice Family Burials
Spear or Westbrook Cemetery (1999) - located south of Springfield on the Leona Road
Wetona Cemetery (1999) - located just west of Wetona
Wetona Cemetery Obituaries
Springfield Township Schools
Provisional Teaching Certificate 1892 School No. 4 (Springfield) 1902
Berrytown School 1898 Berrytown School 1903
Berrytown School 1901
Berrytown School 1904
Newbury School 1904
Berrytown School 1910
Springfield School 1910
Berrytown School 1918
Big Pond School 1942
Wetona School 1935
Article from FMC 
Public Auction of School Houses-approx 1950 
The Springfield Township School Board will offer for sale by public auction on Saturday, March 4, at 2:00 p m in the Springfield Center School house: The Leona school house, a two story building 27 x 34, in good condition; woodshed 10 x 12; two WPA toilets. The school ground containing approximately 1/4 acre. 
The Springfield Center school house 26 x 32; woodshed 10 x 12, nearly new; two WPA toilets; 1 piano, 1 heatrola; 3  heating stoves. The school ground containing approximately 1/4 acre. 
The Berrytown school house, 22 x 33 in good condition; woodshed 10 x 12; two WPA toilets; and the School Districts interest in and to approximately 1/4 acre of land upon which the Berrytown school house is situated. 
All buildings must be paid for before dismantled or removed. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Cash within 30 days of sale. 
Merritt Ward, Auctioneer. 
Springfield Township Business Histories & Photos
1907 Springfield Businesses
Springfield Township Organizations
Mt. Pisgah Praying Band
Springfield Township Churches
Histories, Records, Photos
Big Pond Methodist Church Wetona Methodist Church
The Churches In Our Midst, Burnham
Springfield Township Family Bible Records
Leonard - Stevens Bible Hooker - Porter Bible Records
Fish - Field Bible Records
Springfield Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos
1930 A. C. Fanning letter on Leonard Family
The Kennedy Family
Dillon-Braithwaite Descendants
1898 - The Williams - Gates Elopement
Brace Family Notes
Fuller Family Reunion Records 1904-1939  Springfield Township Marriages
Springfield Township Resident Photo Album
The Kenyon Farm 1890s
Mt. Pisgah Families
Mary Salsbury & Moses Gustin
Moses Gustin's Tower on Mt. Pisgah
Dr. Perley Barker Cabin on Mt. Pisgah
Springfield Township Diaries & Letters 
Asenath LOOMIS Eaton of Springfield 1846
1933 Diary of Bessie ACKERMAN Gates
1956 Diary of Bessie ACKERMAN Gates
Springfield Township Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents 
Will of Aaron Case 1817 / 1835
Will of Ezekehel Burt 1839
Will of William Grace 1849
Will of Bela Kent  1851
Will of Lucretia "Kent" 1851
Will of Charles Phillips 1859
1837 Canedy - Wilcox Divorce Papers
Will of Henry Brown 1860
Will of Betsey Backus  1868
Will of Martin Phillips 1890
Will of David Fanning  1903
Willard A. Brown Estate 1934
Springfield Township Military Records
Charles T. Gates - WW1
Veterans in Harkness Cemetery
Township Population Statisticss 
Comment on the Photo -

Subj:  Re: Old Farmhouse
Date:  12/6/2002 12:11:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: (Olive B Hoffman)

I got it - thanks so much.   Have just saved it to print out later - this is the kind of thing I go for when I look at art work of any kind - always makes me want to enter the picture and begin to roam around.  I am going to use this as wallpaper for my computer screen, also - I have a couple of others that I found at various times when I was looking for ??? - (who knows by now) - Appreciate this and it turned out fine.  I enjoy all the photos you have on your site, but this one always grabbed me. ..

Thanks again.
Olive  Hoffman