Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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 Tioga County, Pensylvania Death Records 1893-1896
Transcribed from Court House ledgers by Linda C. Reese, Published by Joyce M. Tice 12/26/2015
Page Eight - Names U to Z
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Column Labels
Surname First Name Death Date Color Sex Age Marital Status Occupation Born Place of Death Cause - Duration Buried Date Burial Parents Date of Record
Surname U to Z
Updike Hiel 3/16/1896 W M 64y5m2d S Jackson Twp. Trobridge Pneumonia - 5 da Jackson Twp
Updike Lillian 4/30/1896 W F 5y1m11d Daggett Elmira, NY Heart - 1 da Jackson Twp C.L. Updike
Updyke Truman Jan.1897 W M 64 yr Rutland Rutland Cancer Roseville Abram Updyke
Valentine Caleb H. 5/3/1896 W M 74y8m M Delmar Stone Fork Rd. Colic - 8 da Stoney Fork
Van Horn B.C. 7/12/1893 W M 43 yr M Merchant Wellsboro East Ave. Apoplexy - 14 da Wellsboro 7/14/1893 B. T. Van Horn 12/29/1893
Vancise Delilah 7/1/1893 W F 83y1m19d Domestic NY Charleston Paralysis - 5 da Catlin Hollow
Vancise Freddie 4/9/1894 W M 5m4d Addison, NY Addison, NY Fits Addison, NY W.H. & Nellie Vancise
VanCise Jacob D. 8/31/1894 W M 67 yr M Laborer Elkhorn,Tioga Evergreen Cem.
Vanderhoof Jennie M. 11/27/1894 W F 24y9m S Middlebury Middlebury Diphtheria - 10 da Keeneyville Geo. & Lizzie Vanderhoof
VanDerhoof Eddie 8/9/1896 W M 1 yr Mann Hill Rd. Mann Hill Rd. Cholera - short Tioga Cem Aaron & Emma Vanderhoof
Vandine Franklin 8/6/1895 W M 5 mo Gibson, NY Lawrenceville Spinal M. - 5 da Lawrenceville Isaac & Anna Vandine
VanDusen Ruth Evelyne 5/30/1895 W F 11m26d Farmington Farmington Twp Congestion - 3 da Farmington Cem Frank & G. Adell VanDusen
VanDusen Tryphena 12/5/1895 W F 73y7m M Clearfield, Essex Co., NY Farmington General debility -2da Peters Cem. Joseph & Pattie Grover
Vandyke Olive 9/13/1893 W F 30y8m13d S Farmer Windon,Brad. Co Nelson, PA Consumption - 10 mo Nelson, Pa 9/15/1893 Aaron Vandyke & Ella Mead Laurice 12/27/1893
Vandyke Sammie 12/25/1893 W M 10y1m13d S Nelson Nelson, Pa. Typhoid Fever - 2 wk Nelson, Pa. Daniel & Mary Vandyke
VanGorden Mary 5/7/1896 W F 50 yr M Edinburgh, Scotland Lawrenceville Pneumonia - 8 da Lawrence
Vanhart Persis M. 8/6/1896 W F 64 yr M Jackson Jackson disease - 4 wk Jackson
Vanhorn Phineas 6/2/1893 W M 75y6m M Farmer Pa. Charleston Catarrh of stomach-3 yr Wellsboro
VanNest Hollis H. 3/10/1896 W M 22 yr S Brakeman Canton, Pa. Accident-Instant Elmira, NY
VanValkenburg Harriet 5/26/1895 W F 9 yr Wellsboro State St., Wellsboro Croup - 5 da Wellsboro Henry A. & Harriet VanValkenburg
Vedder Jacob D. 6/7/1894 W M 86y5m10d M Farmer Herkimer Co.,NY Roseville Boro Paralysis - 1 wk Roseville Cem 6/10/1894
Vermilyea Horace 11/26/1893 W M 8y9m S Woodhull, NY Gaines Diptheria Wellsboro 11/22/1893 Wm & Alice Vermilyea 12/23/1893
Vermilyea Wm. H. 7/6/1894 W M 47 yr M Hotel Keeper Deerfield Gaines Accident - 2 da Wellsboro
Vermilyea Ursula A. 11/24/1895 W F 73y9m Wd Chicago Tumor Wellsboro
Vickers Samuel 4/28/1896 W M 79y9m15d M Durham Co,Eng Jackson Summit Old age - 1 da Jackson Twp
Vincent Mariah 12/28/1894 W F 85y11m M Schenectady,NY Westfield Gen. Debility -2 da Champlin Cem
Voorhess Nancy M. 3/2/1896 W F 61y1m13d M Wantage, N.J. Daggett Pneumonia - 4 da Jackson Twp
Wagner Jennie V. 9/9/1894 W F 2y1m1d S. Williamsport Morris Diphtheria - 9 da Mount Pleasant William & Matilda Wagner
Wakely Herman A. 7/4/1893 W M 37 yr M Farmer Troupsburg,NY Austinburg,PA Hung himself Woodlawn Cem.
Waldron Charley 12/4/1895 W M 7 wk Arnot Arnot Hives - 5 da Blossburg W. H. & Lena Waldron
Walker Mrs. Julia 2/2/1896 W F 47y2m M Tioga Lawrenceville Consumption - 2 yr Tioga
Walker Peter G. 5/11/1897 W M 77y10m13d M Otsego Co.,NY S. Delmar Heart - 2 wk Stony Fork Joseph & Loretta Walker
Walker Caroline S. 2/8/1897 W F 72y1m6d S Bradford Co. Sullivan Pneumonia - 8 da Mansfield
Walls Chester 10/3/1895 W M 71y5m8d Wd Undertaker Binghamton,NY Knoxville Kidney disease -3 wk Binghamton,NY
Warner C. D. 4/4/1894 W M 74y7m6d Farmer Oswego Co,NY Middlebury Pneumonia - 6 da Keeneyville 4/6/1894
Warren Mrs. Carrie E. 10/23/1893 W F 62y7m25d M Farmer Rome, Brad. Co. Nelson, PA Heart - 7 da Keeneyville,Pa 10/25/1893 12/27/1893
Warren Ida May 3/6/1894 W F 37 yr M Wellsboro St. Tioga Boro Liver Complaint Evergreen Cem
Warriner Mary Emma 10/17/1894 W F 47y8m2d M Housekeeper Stoney Fork Wellsboro Suicide - 15 min. Wellsboro
Washburn Wm. 11/17/1894 W M 75 yr M Laborer Westfield Twp Westfield Twp. Killed by cars -Instant Mt. Pleasant
Wass Leonard 3/14/1894 W M 7 mo Chatham Chatham Cholera Infantum - 1 da Middlebury Cem. 3/16/1894 Philip & Lura Wass
Watkins Mrs. William 12/1/1893 W F 71y9m M Farmer's wife Deerfield, PA Deerfield Twp Unknown - 2 mo Chatham, PA 12/3/1893 12/23/1893
Watkins Rosina 8/17/1893 W F 51y11m18d M Farmer Sullivan Twp. Richmond Twp Abcess of Liver - 10 da Sam'l Wilson
Watkins William 1/30/1894 W M 62 yr M Miner Wales Morris Run-Front St. Asthma - 18 mo Ogdensburg
Watkins David 4/30/1895 W M 62y2m3d Farmer Wales Ogdensburg Cancer - 5 yr Ogdensburg Cem
Watkins Pamphylia 12/12/1895 W F 88y3m Wd Columbia Twp,Brad.Co Main St., Mansfield Paralysis - 2 mo Austinville
Watrous G. P. 6/26/1894 W M 65y5m16d M Minister Chester, Ct. Jackson Pneumonia Lewisburg
Watrous Eliza 4/4/1895 W F 92y9m6d M Marshfield Old age - 3 da Watrous Cem
Watson Serepta S. 5/2/1896 W F 70 yr M Broom Co., NY Richmond Twp Heart - 1 hr Mansfield Rufus & Chole Page
Watts Richard J. 11/12/1896 W M 54y1m26d M Union Twp. Liberty Twp. Rupture -3 da Union Cem.
Weast John 9/30/1896 W M 75y5m15d M Lycoming Co. Blossburg Cancer - 1 yr I.O.O.F. Cem.
Weaver Mary H. 1/11/1894 W F 52 yr Deerfield Twp Pneumonia Riverside
Webster Ellen 10/26/1893 W F 17y10m1d Farmer Sullivan Sullivan Scarlet Fever - 5 da Mansfield S.S. & Susie E. Webster
Webster 5/30/1894 W M 1 da S Fallbrook, Pa. Mill St.Fallbrook Covulsions - 1 da Chareston Twp. Ross & Addie Webster
Webster Olive 10/7/1894 W F 11y9m S Middlebury Middlebury Consumption - 1 wk Lambs Cr. Fletcher D. & Lottie Webster
Webster Joel 10/23/1894 W M 75y7m12d M Farmer Sullivan Rutland Old age Roseville Roswell & Betsey Webster
Webster Maria 8/22/1895 W F 68y9m21d M Chenango Co,NY Farmington Cancer - 2 mo Farmington Cem Julius & Clara Phelps
Webster Clarissa 9/4/1895 W F 90y10m13d Wd Tioga Boro Old age - 6 da Farmington
Webster Agnes 4/10/1897 W F 81y4m19d S White Deer Valley, Pa. Morris Pneumonia - 8 da Hart Cem.
Weiskoff Earl 5/30/1896 W M 1/2 hr Liberty Twp. Liberty Twp. Weakness Steam Valley, Lycoming Co. Henry & Sarah Weiskoff
Weiskopff Perley 8/20/1894 W M 2 hr. Liberty Twp. Liberty Twp. Weakness - 2 hr Steam Valley Henry & Sarah Weiskopff
Welch Addie 3/3/1894 W F 22y5m28d Sullivan Twp. Sullivan Twp. Grip - 3 mo State Rd. Cem.
Welch Stella May 1/3/1894 W F 6 mo S Covington Covington Pneumonia - 14 da Sullivan 1/5/1894 Layton & Alice Welch
Welch James 11/10/1895 W M 81y7m29d S Farmer Sullivan Sullivan Gen.debility - 1 yr State Rd. Cem.
Welch Liza 12/22/1895 W F 36y2m19d M Farmer York State Sullivan Dropsy - 4 yr State Rd. Cem.
Weller Harry G. 2/24/1894 W M 3y8m17d Wellsboro #33 State St. Croup - 3 da Charleston Wm. Weller
Welles Bertha 4/20/1895 W F 5y1m5d Wellsboro Nichols St.,Wellsboro Diphtheria - 8 da Wellsboro Frank & Alice Welles
Wellman Olive A. 12/3/1894 W F 38y9m19d M Westfield Twp Westfield Twp. Heart Failure - 2 da Wormer Cem.
Wells Phoebe A. 7/1/1896 W F 69y10m20d M Jackson Jackson Summit Tumor - 2 da Daggett
Welsh Libbie 11/6/1896 W F 50 yr M Germany Arnot Consumption - 6 mo Blossburg
Wesneski Mary 12/17/1895 W F 35y8m S Poland High St., Morris Run Pneumonia - 2 w, Blossburg
West James 10/20/1895 W M 29y1m8d S Laborer VT Cameron-Potter Co. Typhoid - 2 wk Maynard Cem
West Geo. W. 5/9/1896 W M 77y4m27d M Southport, NY Charleston Twp. Tumor - 8 mo Delmar Twp.
West Nathan T. 8/12/1896 W M 77y6m5d M Madison Co.,NY Middlebury Cancer - 8 mo Middlebury
Westbrook Clarence J. 4/13/1894 W M 4m7d S Middlebury Middlebury Heart Failure-Instant Keeneyville 4/15/1894 E.L. & Helen Westbrook
Wetmore Rosa A. 3/14/1896 W F 37y21d M Covington Covington Twp. Childbirth Maple Hill Cem. John L. & Sally Ann Johnson
Wetmore Emma A. 8/14/1896 W F 66y4m8d M Windsor, NY Blossburg Dropsy - 3 wk I.O.O.F. Cem.
Wetuski Joseph 12/25/1895 W M 14y10d S Laborer Poland Blossburg Fall on ice - 7 da Poland Cem.
Whalen John 10/11/1894 W M 6y1m Morris Run Summit St., Morris Run Diphtheria - 5 da Blossburg Thomas & Johannah Walen
Whalen Mary 10/20/1894 W F 4y27d Morris Run Summit St., Morris Run Diphtheria - 10 da Blossburg Thomas & Johannah Walen
Wheatley Frank 12/3/1894 W M 42y3d M Miner Franklin,Brad.Co Blossburg, Davis St. Typhoid Fever - 15 da Blossburg
Wheaton Clarissa 9/22/1896 W F 68y7m21d M Mass. Westfield Twp. Cancer - 3 mo Champlin Cem Hiram & Lucy Buck
Wheaton Wm. 1/22/1897 W M 72y23d M Elk Dropsy - 3 wk Knowlton
Wheeler Adelia 7/15/1894 W F 32 yr M Housekeeper Mansfield, PA Wellsboro Heart Disease 1 da Wellsboro
Wheeler Mary M. 11/17/1895 W F 43 yr M Housekeeper Wellsboro Wellsboro Tumor - 6 mo Wellsboro
Wheeler Clarissa R. 8/29/1895 W F 71y5m14d M Sullivan Twp. Charleston Dropsy - 12 wk Wheeler Cem
Wheeler Rosanna 8/7/1896 W F 77y2m14d M Pultney, Steuben Co., NY Elkland Consumption - 5 1/2yr Woodhull
White Jacob 4/6/1897 W M 1m1d Delmar Plank Road 1 mo. Niles Valley Wm. & Stella White
White Eliza 12/13/1893 W F 71y2d M Trowbridge Jackson, Pa Pneumonia - 2 da Alder Run
White L. W. 1/27/1896 W M 66y10m8d M N. Y. Brooklyn,Tioga Twp. Liver Tioga Cem
Whitehead Helen 12/6/1896 W F 49y3m10d M Bradford Co. Tioga Twp Pneumonia Short Cem.Tioga Smith & Betsey Beers
Whiteing Arthur 10/24/1893 W M 35y1m26d Laborer Clymer Gaines Accident Sabinsville 10/25/1893 David & Maria Whiteing 12/23/1893
Whitenack John B. 4/27/1895 W M 54y9m16d M Shoemaker Centerville,NY Corning, NY Killed by cars Deerfield-RS Cem
Whiting Nathan S. 4/1/1895 W M 77y7m M Mass. Sullivan Fits - 12 da Frost Cem.
Whiting Elmira 4/6/1895 W F 71y3m M Bradford Co. Sullivan Pneumonia - 7 da Frost Cem.
Whitmore Louisa 9/10/1895 W F 1y9m S Gaines Westfield Cholera - 1 wk Elk Run Cem. Vine & Cora Whitmore
Whitmore C. H. 3/9/1896 W M 56y11m12d M Union Union Brights - 2 wk Ogdensburg
Whitney Ella J. 10/13/1895 W F 31 yr M Middlebury Buffalo Heart failure - 1 da Niles Valley
Whitney Emeline 9/13/1896 W F 88y1m M N. Y. Wellsboro Old age - 2 wk. Wellsboro
Whitney Mary 8/20/1896 W F 58y6m M Chatham Middlebury Diphtheria - 10 wk Keeneyville
Whitney Hazel I. 4/15/1896 W F 1y9m Ischua, Cattaraugus Co. Gaines Pneumonia Middlebury Ge. & Letitia Whitney
Whittaker Plinn 3/24/1895 W M 75y S Richmond Twp. Canoe Camp Pneumonia - 6 da Whittaker Cem
Whittaker Wm. M. 10/15/1895 W M 10y6m10d Gaines Gaines Diphtheria Furman Henry & Mary Whittaker
Whittaker Frances M. 8/12/1896 W F 70 yr M N. Y. State Elk Horn Old age - short Tioga Cem.-old
Whitten Jerry Miles 6/19/1893 W M 1m1d S Liberty, Tioga Co,Pa Liberty, Tioga Co,Pa Erysipelas - 3 da Harts Cem. 6/22/1893 Nathan & Florence Whitten
Wickham Carl A. 9/21/1894 W M 19y4d S Miner Finland Covington Shot - 2 hr Morris Run Charles & Joanna Wickham
Wickham Anna M. 11/1/1894 W F 76y26d S Mattituck, L.I., N.J. Main St., Tioga Boro Apoplexy - 2 da Tioga Twp.
Widger Luella 7/5/1894 W F 22y2m7d M Independence, Allegany Co., NY Westfield Twp. Heart Disease - 4 wk Potter Brook
Wiedmer Mrs. Margaret 8/13/1893 W F 69y9m M Housekeeper Germany Wellsboro Comp. of Diseases-3 m Wellsboro 8/15/1893 12/19/1893
Wilcox William 2/21/1894 W M 64y1m29d M Farmer Delaware Co,NY Union Twp. Heart Disease - 2 yr Alba
Wiles Mrs. Lorilla 12/12/1893 W F 82y4m6d M Farmer Westfield Nelson, PA Pneumonia - 3 da Nelson, Pa 12/15/1893 12/27/1893
Wilkelm John W. 10/14/1896 W M 66y2m7d M Center Co., Pa Mansfield Paralysis - 6 da Mansfield
Wilkinson William 5/3/1894 W M 73y1m27d M Farmer Rhode Island Catlin Hollow Brights Disease - 2 mo Catlin Hollow 5/5/1894
Willard Rosewell 12/31/1896 W M 81y2m12d S Charleston Twp. Charleston Twp Heart - 1 yr Shumway Hill
Willard Raymond 3/10/1897 W M 7m27d Delmar Twp. Dantz Run Pneumonia - 8 da Wellsboro Alfred & Irene Willard
Willcox Helen 1/7/1895 W F 33y6m M Farmer Rutland Rutland Consumption - 4 wk Roseville Wm. & Helen Hall
Willcox Ralph 2/21/1896 W M 8 yr S. Delmar S. Delmar Fever - 2 wk Middle Ridge Cm G. B. & Anna Willcox
Willcox Benjamin C. 2/28/1897 W M 74y1m25d M Chenango Co,NY S. Delmar Epilipsy - 4 yr Willcox Cem. Simeon & Anna Willcox
Willcox John D. 5/20/1897 W M 71y8m18d M Chenango Co,NY S. Delmar Dropsy - 1 yr Willcox Cem. Simeon & Anna Willcox
Williams Wm. J. 10/22/1893 W M 66 yr Laborer Wales Arnot Lungs - 5/6 da Blossburg
Williams 10/6/1894 W F 34y4m12d M Sullivan Sullivan Childbirth - 2 da State Road
Williams Margaret 1/17/1896 W F 86y8m4d S Wales Jackson Summit Old age Jackson Twp
Williams Adam W. 4/10/1897 W M 78y5m8d M Painted Post,NY Baldwin Run Brights - 2 wk French Hill
Williamson Agnes 3/6/1894 W F 61y2m6d M Scotland Arnot Heart Failure - 3 wk Blossburg
Wilson John 10/15/`893 W M 74 yr Laborer Millerton Millerton Pneumonia - 4 da Millerton
Wilson John L. 9/11/1893 W M 6y3m12d Bernice, Sull.Co,Pa Arnot Heart Failure - 12 da Blossburg Lloyd & Agnes Kentner Wilson
Wilson Alvin 1893 W M 81 yr M Farmer Richmond Twp Brights Disease
Wilson Jennie V. 3/22/1894 W F 10 m S Shippen Shippen Unknown - 3 da Olmsville Eugene & Emma Wilson
Wilson Annie 7/24/1894 W F 52 yr M Housekeeper Oneida Co., NY Wellsboro Cancer/stomach 2 mo Corning, NY
Wilson Bertha 2/24/1895 W F 18 da Hoytville Back St,Hoytville Spasms - 18 da Mt. Pleasant John & Sadie Wilson
Wilson Mary 5/18/1895 W F 64y7m13d M Housekeeper Lycoming Co,Pa N. Delmar Unknown - 5 mo Stoney Fork
Wilson Hattie 9/11/1896 W F 33y1m28d S Sullivan Twp. Mansfield Heart - 4 wk Mansfield
Wilson Stephen F. 3/31/1897 W M 75y6m27d S Bradford Co.,Pa Wellsboro Kidney - 10 da Wellsboro
Winder Alice Blanch 8/29/1894 W F 3y1m21d Trout Run, Lycoming Co. Main St., Hoytsville Diphtheria - 4 da Oregon Hill H. F. & Emma Winder
Winder Ethel Adella 4/17/1896 W F 9m16d Hoytville Hoytsville Brain fever - 5 da Oregon Hill W. H. & Emily Maud Winder
Wingate Eva A. 10/14/1894 W F 4y9m16d S Wellsboro Wellsboro Croup - 2 wk Wellsboro James Wingate
Wingate Caroline N. 8/23/1895 W F 58 yr M Charleston Twp. Charleston Blood Poisoning-8 wk Austin Cem.
Wingate Burt B. 10/2/1896 W M 14y2m23d Charleston Twp. Charleston Twp Diabetis - 1 da Austin Cem. Geo. & Lucy Wingate
Wisneski Michael 12/18/1894 W M 82y3m2d M Laborer Prussia Granger St., Blossburg Asthma - 3 wk Blossburg
Wood Jane 12/1/1893 W F 8 da Sullivan Sullivan 4 da Wood Cem.,Sullivan Mark or Clark & Jane Wood
Wood Eunice Elvira 3/26/1894 W F 81y11m22d S Marshfield Old Age - 10 da Knowlton Cem. David & Amanda Smith
Wood Gertrude 4/24/1894 W F 10 m. S Shippen Shippen Diphtheria - 8 da Ansonia James & Nancy Wood
Wood George 5/5/1894 W M 6y9m4d S Niles Valley Shippen Diptheria - 9 da Ansonia James & Nancy Wood
Wood Mortimer 4/21/1894 W M 4y7m17d S Shippen Shippen Diptheria - 6 da Ansonia James & Nancy Wood
Wood Jennie 12/21/1895 W F 50y1m17d M Windsor,Broome Co,NY Westfield Inj. Of brain - 6 wk Elk Run Cem.
Wood Jennie 12/21/1895 W F 51 yr M Windsor,Broome Co,NY Westfield Dropsy - 6 wk Elk Run Cem.
Woodard Louisa 8/24/1894 W F 73y5m5d S Farmer Troy, Brad.Co. Sullivan Kidney - 2 wk Mainesburg
Woodbury Frederick 9/11/1894 W M 71y11m13d M Farmer Worcester,Mass Mill St.,Knoxville Kidney - 4 wk Deerfield
Woodword Elizabeth M. 2/13/1896 W F 59y8m M Philadelphia Covington Boro Paralysis - 1 da Grey Cem.
Wooks James F. 12/22/1894 W M 86y10m21d M Farmer Exeter, New Hampshire Holden St., Osceola Heart failure - 4 da Taylor Cem.
Woolbert Samuel 4/4/1895 W M 81 yr S Laborer Chatham Injury to head - 6 da Hill Cem.
Wordin Eli 11/1/1895 W M 78y2m25d S Mechanic Sabinsville Old age - 3 wk Sabinsville
Wright Lewis 1/4/1895 W M 53y4m M Mason Wells,Brad.Co Rutland Heart Roseville James & Arvil Wright
Wright Daniel 11/15/1895 W M 76y9m18d M Canandagua Wellsboro Softing of brain -6 mo Bath
Wright Vavela Dec.1895 W F 79 yr S Farmer Southport, NY Rutland Twp. Old age Bailey Hill
Wylie William P. 12/25/1894 W M 85y9m M Farmer Boonville,NY Mansfield Old Age - 4 da Wells
Wylie Charlotte Lucretia 12/26/1894 W F 81y11m22d M Hampton, NY Mansfield Old Age - 2 da. Wells
Yaudis Samuel H. 2/25/1896 W M 61y3m9d M Jackson Twp. Lycoming Co. Liberty Consumption - 3 mo Salem Cem.
Yeomans Laveria 10/6/1895 W F 1m21d Jackson Jackson Unknown - 6 hr Jackson G.A. & Katie Yeomans
Yetter Vernon A. 8/8/1894 W M 9m16d Liberty Twp Liberty Twp. Cholera - 2 wk Harts Cem. Arthur & Maggie Yetter
Youmans D. 10/10/1895 W M 43y9m M Laborer Gaines Typhoid - 1 wk Phoenix
Young Thomas K. 9/15/1894 W M 32y6m m Merchant Scotland Wellsboro Accident - 1 hr Wellsboro
Young Cora May 3/12/1895 W F 21y11m14d M Sullivan Sullivan Unknown - 6 wk State Rd. Cem.
Young Henry 10/20/1896 W M 20 yr Lawrence Lawrence Appendicitis - 7 da Nelson
Zimmer Levi 7/9/1893 W M 59y11m3d M Laborer Brookfield, Pa Brookfield, Pa Typhoid Fever - 5 wk Plank Cem
Zimmer Elizabeth 1/25/1894 W F 80y12m15d M Berne, Alleghany, NY Covington Heart Disease Cherry Flats

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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 DEC 2015
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice
Thanks to Linda C Reese for transcribing these and 
Pat Smith Raymond for typing them