Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tioga County (PA) 1908 Directory
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Directory Table of Contents

Scanned and OCR'd by
by Joyce M. Tice 

Purchase of Book for presentation 
on this site was financed by 
Barb Conrad &
Joyce M. Tice

Since my Copy was missing its map,
Dave Smith kindly loaned his.

Joyce's Search Tip - November 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Directories by using the Directories button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

Compiling a book of this character is supremely more of a task than one at first thought would allow.

Between the covers of this book, nearly 35,000 names appear, then would it be surprising if some of them are found to be spelled incorrectly?

Tioga County's population is approximately 50,000. We have aimed to secure correct information regarding all over seventeen years of age, but of course, it is probable that some names are missing.

Owing to the time required to make the canvass of the County, many changes have taken place, these have been corrected as far as possible up to date, that is January 1st, 1909, but, of course, it has been impossible to secure all changes, so you will find, perchance, that some names appear of those who have moved to another place (some have departed this life) and doubtless some of the fairer sex have changed their name.

Fourteen months has been consumed in securing the information herein contained.

We have been ably assisted by Mr. F. S. Andrews, of Wellsboro.

The names were typewritten from original manuscript by Miss Lillian M. Wheeland, of Morris Run.

Would recognize and thank the two hundred business men who, by their patronage of our advertising pages have made it possible to present this work at such a reasonable price.

We consider that we have, and present you, herewith, "The Best Directory of Tioga County Possible to Produce."

Thanking all for their kindly treatment, their willingness in answering the pertinent questions, and the ready co-operation which our efforts have received, we leave the work to obtain for itself that favor, which earnest endeavor ever achieves.

H. R. ANDERSON. (1908)


I would add to Mr. Anderson's preface, that in additon to the errors found in the original directory, a few additional ones may enter these pages as a result of faulty Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and the failure to catch those errors in proofing and editing (JMT). We trust that you will be tolerant of any imperfections that result.

The Map that is supposed to be inside the back cover, is missing from this copy.

My thanks to Barb Conrad for sharing with me the cost of obtaining this book for presentation on this site. Mr. Anderson, who prided himself on the "reasonable price" of his book, would be amazed at the entirely unreasonable price one has to pay for it now. He'd probably also be amazed at the number of us who still want to see his nearly century old publicattion

Joyce M. Tice (2001)

Table of Contents  Page

 Abbreviations  9
 Alphabetical Index of Advertisers  10
 Area of Tioga County  14
 Bloss Township Directory  78 
 Blossburg Borough Directory  93
 Blossburg Street Directory  488
 Brookfield Township Directory  123
 Charleston Township Directory  128 
 Chatham Township Directory  142 
 Classified Business Directory  .. 493
 Clymer Township Directory   151
 Court Calendar   14
 Covington Borough Directory   160
 Covington Township Directory   164
 Data from Report of County Commissioners   16
 Deerfield Township Directory   172
 Delmar Township Directory   181 
 Duncan Township Directory   203
 Elk Township Directory   214
 Elkland Borough Directory   218
 Explanations   9
 Farmington Township Directory   230 
 Gaines Township Directory   236
 Hamilton Township Directory   245
 Jackson Township Directory   264 
 Justice of the Peace   18
 Knoxville Borough Directory   279 
 Knoxville Street Directory   489
 Lawrence Township Directory   293 
 Lawrenceville Borough Directory   302
 Liberty Borough Directory   308
 Liberty Township Directory   312 
 Mansfield Borough Directory   323 
 Mansfield Street Directory   490

 Map of Tioga County  Inside Back Cover
 Middlebury Township Directory  345 
 Morris Township Directory  361 
 Nelson Borough & Township Directory   377 
 Notaries Public in Tioga County  18
 Osceola Borough Directory  383 
 Pennsylvania State Government  21

 Population and Area of Tioga County  14
 Post Offices,in Tioga County   20
 Richmond Township Directory   390 
 Roseville Borough Directory   401
 Rutland Township Directory   403 

 Shippen Township Directory   410 
 Sullivan Township Directory   416 
Terms of Court   14
Tioga County Bar   17-
Tioga County Officers   14
Tioga Borough Directory   427 
Tioga Township Directory   433 
Union Township Directory   442
Ward Township Directory   455 
Wellsboro Board of Trade     16
Wellsboro Borough Directory
PP. 23-53 PP. 54 - 78
Wellsboro Street Directory     490
Westfield Borough Directory    468
Westfield Township Directory   476
Westfield Street Directory  I  492


 Assistant  ........ I  ................ A s s'
 Attorney   Attly.
 Boards  Bds.
 Building  Bldg-
 Daughter  Dau.
 District  ....... Dist.
 Ditto   Do.
 Employed   Emp.
 Employee  ....... Emp,
 Junction   jet.
 Incorporated   Inc.
 Machine   Mch.
 Manager ....... Mgr.
 Manufacturers  ........... Mfgrs
 Merchandise  .... Mdse.
 Owns   0.
 President   Pres.
 Proprietor   Prop.
 Rents House & Lot  ...... T H&L.
 Rents Farm    ~. MR
 Retired    Ret.
 School Teacher  Sch. Teacher.
 Superintendent  ...... Supt.
 Township  .......... Twp.
 Tobacco    Tob.
 Treasurer  ........... Treas.
 Widow   Wid.
 Works on Shares   WOS.


Directory is arranged as follows: 1st, name of individual, or firm; 2nd, wife's name in parenthesis, if individual be married; 3d, occupation, business or profession; 4th, 0 H&L designates Owns House & Lot, T designates Tenant, 0 (figures) designates the number of acres in farm, OWNED, MR (figures) designates number of acres for which money rent is paid, WOS (figures) designates number of acres Worked on Shares; 5th. the number of R F D & Post Office from which mail is delivered. The Post Office in parenthesis thus: (Gaines) H 10, designates that although party receives mail at Gaines P. 0. they live on Highway No 10, (see map;) 6th, H (figures) designates Highway on which individual has residence: 7th (F T or B T or Both T designates Farmer's Telephone (connection) Bell Telephone (or connection) or Both Telephones.

The names of individual or firms in display type indicates An Advertiser or some party directly interested in this work.

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tioga County (PA) 1908 Directory
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Added to Site  February 22, 2001
By Joyce M. Tice